Support our Community

WHO ARE WE? West Dunbartonshire's only charity who provides emergency food aid 5 days per week.
WHEN ARE WE OPEN? We are open from 10am to 4pm Monday to Friday.
WHAT DO WE DO? We provide emergency food aid parcels who are given out to people that are deliberately built to last for three days. Each bag contains breakfast, lunch, dinner, toiletries x3.
WHERE CAN YOU FIND US? We are based in St Augustine's Community Hall.
WHAT ELSE? You can join us for Community Lunch on a Wednesday from 12-2pm and Thursday 11.30am - 1.30pm. This is a free lunch, or donation if you would like.
HOW DO WE SURVIVE? Solely on donations from the amazing community of West Dunbartonshire. Unfortunately, only Marks & Spencer's donate food to us, so we often must buy the contents of our bags on a weekly basis. You can donate both food or money. Unfortunately, we do not have any collection points in large supermarkets, but we do have one in Loch Lomand Craft Centre in Mitchell Way, Crafts for you in Lomand Outlets,The Coffee Station at Dumbarton Central and also drop any donations into the hall!
WHAT DO WE TAKE? UHT Milk, Tea, Coffee, Soup, Beans, Meat, Tuna, Pasta, Sauces, Rice, Tinned Meat, Tinned Potatoes, Tinned Veg, Puddings, Nappies, Toiletries, Sanitary products.